After not blogging in forever here are a few things that I missed blogging about:
1.Jimmy and I made our debuts as Mary and Joseph at our ward's Christmas Party
2. We went to Chicago for Christmas and New Years!- Loved being with my family

3.My sweet Grandma passed away in January- had to go on a quick trip to Mexico City
4. Spent a weekend with my cousin in San Francisco
5. Went on a cruise to Puerto Vallarta and Cabo- It was Awesome!!!!

Its been busy these past few months and there were for sure some ups and downs but I think thats just how life goes. I love having things to look forward to and the next thing is our trip to Idaho! Heading to good'ol Rexburg for Marty's ( Jimmy's brother) graduation. Im happy I get to see my brother and his wife and some of my old roomates! Yay for friends :)
You have been busy!! I am so glad you and Jimmy had a fun time on your cruise! I can't wait for April :)
Glad you've had a mostly fun and busy last couple of months! So when are you going to be in Rexburg? We'd love to see you if you're not too busy.
Awesome update! You guys have done a lot of great things recently. Where are you moving to?
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