So lately Jimmy and I have been talking about how It would be a good idea for me to get a new "active hobby" . Since right now Im not working and just staying home, I've been tryin to keep busy. I've decided to try a few things. One of them is learning how to play tennis. I know I know what everyone is thinking. Everyone that really knows me knows that my hand eye cordination is not that great. But I am happy to say that I feel like I'm getting better! I've only gone twice but I feel like I might have a good future with it. After playing my arm is a little sore and I am super hungry because I burn off all these calories running after the ball like all day long but I cant wait until I get soo good that I can actually rally the ball back and forth and play an actual game. Also I've started running again and thankfully Im over the part where yourlungs and your chest burn. Now I am in the stage where I need to motivate myself to actually do it. So wish me luck. And lastly I am thinking about really learning how to ride a dirtbike. I've done it before and my first encounter with riding resulted on a big crash. But I got back on the next day and completed a full trail! That was summer of 07 so I've had enough time to warm up to it again. I havent ridden since then and who knows when Ill try again but thats some of the hobbies that will help me keep physically active.
You go girl, those battle scars would keep me away forever, but that's what I love about you... you keep going. Keep up the tennis, I heared it is a pretty good work out, and something different than running, that's a plus. love you miss you
Those are some awesome battle wounds! It's good you're staying active. It keeps depression away. I can't do anything like dirt bikes or running yet, but I've been working out in our yard and flower garden on the nice days, and that has been good for me. I am so excited for good weather to come!
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